Joyful, Relational, Liberating Unitarian Universalist Ministry
Joyful Anticipation
I am full of joyful anticipation as I look forward to meeting you at the end of April. As any member of the fabulous UU Fellowship of Athens Ministerial Search Committee can tell you, it has been a long journey to arrive at this day. What an amazing journey! From the moment in December when I opened your Fellowship's record and explored your websites, I knew you were special. You are a people who truly seek to learn and grow in all ways to live our Unitarian Universalist values. From the vibrant and inclusive music program, to programming for all ages, to proclaiming love and justice publicly, to vital caring ministries, to shared leadership and lay ministry, to placing and sharing resources for equity, the UU Fellowship of Athens lives and breaths the aspirations of our faith. I could go on and on, so I'll save the rest for when we meet!
I join you for candidating week April 23 through May 1, and I bet you want to know more about who I am. I am a Unitarian Universalist Minister who has spent her entire career in orbit around settled ministry (a.k.a. parish ministry). I invite you to my "about" page to learn more about my background. If you like lists, you may find my curriculum vita (a long resume) helpful too. I hope you enjoy these webpages as you begin to get to know my ministry. I cannot wait to get to meet you and learn more about who you are. Until April 23, I shall remain full of joyful anticipation!