
Five-person staff team in silly poses, including Rev Pippin
Sticky notes on wall showing staff duties in a work flow analysis

A Thriving Staff Team

As a faith organization that affirms and promotes the inherent worth and dignity of all people, with justice and equity for all, a healthy UU congregation requires a thriving staff team. A thriving staff team celebrates each person's unique talents, is focused on service to the church mission, and supports one another's growth. A happy and committed staff whose talents are allowed to flourish and who are fulfilled and growing as individuals is key to a joyful congregation!

The image on the lower left is a wall of sticky notes from a staff workflow analysis. The goal of the workflow analysis is to help balance staff workloads and duties, reflect on service to mission, and identify opportunities to promote professional development and growth on the team.


Generosity not only provides for the community, it provides spiritual and emotional nourishment for the giver as well. In this way, congregational stewardship is a ministry of the church. As a minister, I lead stewardship services, support stewardship leaders, help congregants envision their gifts, and nurture a congregational ethos of generosity. I also support the Board and financial team in cultivating an ethos of fiscal responsibility and transparency in order to provide congregants with the confidence they need for giving.

People seated in a circle holding discussion, Rev Pippin right of center. White Supremacy teach-in.

Mission Care

For UUs, revelation is ever unfolding! What does this mean for the mission of the church? I find the most successful plans and visions must evolve with continually revised ideas and wider circles of engagement. That means that when a group goes through the process of articulating vision, they simultaneously are aware that important perspectives are absent. The vision and plans will need to grow and evolve as the community grows, changes, or builds relationships. The image above depicts one example of a widening process, as this congregation holds a white supremacy teach-in to build anti-racist capacity and begin to imagine their journey into a more authentic multicultural vision of community.